The holotype of Thalattosaurus |
When I started this humble blog in (dear lord) late 2014, I
did not intend for it to becomes a blog dedicated to Triassic hellasaurs, but
here we are. The more I read about the Triassic, the weirder it gets. For
example, it seems like half of the reptiles alive during the Late Triassic were
marine or at least semi-aquatic. We’re already covered
hupehsuchians (
and those wonderful but woefully obscure
saurosphargids. There was that recent
post about underappreciated
vancleaveans. Placodonts will come later and will
probably spread across several posts—it was a big group. Today we’ll be talking
about a diverse, well-known family of Triassic marine reptiles that still aren't well-known outside the paleo community: thalattosaurs.